
Seven Effective Ways to Article Proof reading Writing

When you finish writing your first draft, you need to remember that the writing process has only just begun. The manuscript gains shape and develops into a well-crafted piece of research writing during the article proof reading and writing as well as editing processes. Writing is an art, and competent writers keep revising their work until it achieves the desired effect, just like any fine artist would.

Despite being excellent at academic research writing, a lot of scientists and researchers aren’t really proficient at proofreading and editing as much as they’d like. This blog offers seven methods that every academic research writer should implement to ease the process of proofreading and editing their articles. Following these methods will help them churn out articles with more refined language, nuanced sentence structures, and far fewer linguistic and technical discrepancies than if they didn’t proofread at all or followed their own intuitions.

  • Method #1

Put In The Ground Work By First Prewriting & Brainstorming

  • It’s crucial to assess your knowledge of a subject first.
  • Take the time to write them down because as you start thinking about a topic, numerous thoughts spring to mind.
  • If first thoughts are not written down, they are readily lost.
  • This can be accomplished via a prewriting strategy like list-making, clustering, mapping, or brainstorming.
  • Charts, story maps, diagrams, or a cluster like the one shown on the following page are a few examples of graphic organizers.
  • Prewriting can happen in all kinds of awkward places, and you might only have a napkin, a scrap of paper, or an envelope available.
  • Just remember not to consider a napkin with notes on it to be the final version.
  • Quite a bit of work remains to be done.
  • Next, Move On To Drafting
    • The next stage is to compose a first draft based on those ideas.
    • You’ll find that the editing process takes longer than it should if you skip the prewriting phase and dive right into the first draft.
    • You might even discover that your opinion has changed from the beginning to the finish of a piece or that the first paragraph is devoted to preparing a statement.
    • That is acceptable, but be ready to rearrange the entire manuscript.
    • Making a plan before you start writing makes the entire process simpler.
    • Imagine that you are a well-known mystery novelist.
    • How do you create the chapters that lead up to the section when the investigator discloses the offender if you don’t know whodunit?
    • The same applies to your writing.
    • Without a plan for organizing, your paper might not take the proper form and might not express everything you wanted it to.
  • The majority of writers edit as they write.
  • Pencils with erasers were created as a result.
  • Feel free to mark up your early versions with arrows and crossed-out words if you prefer to write on paper.
  • Use asterisks to indicate where you need to go back and add ideas or amend sentences or extend a sentence down the margin or on the back of the page.
  • Use symbols to help you remember what has to be changed if you compose on a computer.
  • To help you remember to come back to it later, boldface or highlight any uncertain sentences.
  • Another thing that will draw your attention and prompt you to go back to a problem area is a brief string of unique characters like #@$*%.
  • Even some of the anxiety you’re experiencing as you battle with your draft may be reduced by typing them.
  • Just keep in mind that you might want to polish your draft a little bit before showing it to someone, such as a teacher or coworker.
  • Additionally, computers make it simpler to edit as you go but keep in mind that a computer’s grammar and spell check are not infallible.
  • Computers are unable to comprehend the finer points of our living language.
  • A competent editor or proofreader can.
  • Method #2

Head Into The Proofreading Process

  • Simply said, thesis proof reading is attentive reading.
  • You will uncover errors when you go through each word, sentence, and paragraph.
  • When you find them, you can use proofreading symbols to expedite the editing process.
  • To become familiar with these symbols is a great idea.
  • Of course, you have to be aware of the flaws in order to detect them.
  • Continue reading to learn the offenders that can ruin a quality piece of writing.

Don’t Take Punctuation & Capitalization Lightly

    • Punctuation and capitalization serve as the written equivalent of an auto mechanic.
    • They clean up your sentences, ensuring that they begin, end, and flow naturally.
  • In engineering research paper writing, punctuation is important for several reasons.
  • One of the main reasons is to clearly indicate the structure of the paper.
  • For example, a semicolon can be used to distinguish between items in a list within a sentence, while a period is used to indicate the end of a sentence.
  • This helps the reader understand the organization of the information and follow the flow of the argument.
  • For example, consider the following sentence:
  • “The experiment entailed measuring the stress exerted on the material; then examining the data utilizing statistical methods; and comparing the outcomes to those from earlier studies.”
  • Without the semicolons, the sentence would be more difficult to read and understand.
  • The semicolons help to separate the different steps of the experiment and make it clear that they are separate actions.
  • Additionally, punctuation helps to indicate the tone and emphasis of a sentence.
  • For example, exclamation points can indicate strong emphasis, while a question mark can indicate a question.
  • For instance: “The outcomes of the experiment were simply mind-blowing!”
  • This sentence tells the reader that the results of the experiment were significant and important.
  • It’s important to remember that proper punctuation is not only important to convey the meaning effectively but also to ensure the paper is well-organized and easy to read.
  • Capitalization is also equally as important in engineering research paper writing as it helps to indicate the proper nouns and the beginning of sentences.
  • For example, when writing about a specific piece of equipment, it should be capitalized.
  • “The experiment was conducted using the Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM).”Proper capitalization of the names of specific equipment, tools, and models helps to ensure that the reader understands the specific equipment being discussed in the paper.
  • Additionally, capitalization is used to indicate the beginning of a sentence.
  • “The results of the experiment were astounding. These results have important implications for the field of materials science.”
  • The very first letter of the first word in a sentence is always capitalized, indicating the beginning of a new thought or idea.
  • It helps the reader to understand the flow of the argument, and also it’s a grammatical rule.
  • Capitalization helps ensure that the reader understands the specific equipment and ideas being discussed in the paper and also follows the grammatical rule.
  • Your reader will understand your words more clearly if you use punctuation correctly, including quotation marks, commas, colons, semicolons, and end marks like periods, exclamation points, and question marks.
  • Punctuation frequently distinguishes between a complete sentence and a run-on sentence fragment.
  • Other punctuation symbols, including ellipses, dashes, and hyphens, add flair to your writing and ought to be utilized both for function and style.
  • Method #3

Don’t Take Spellings (Especially Of Technical Terms) Lightly

  • Correct spelling lends credibility to your work. Your reader will not only be aware of your education but also of your attention to detail.
  • To ensure that all new words, particularly those that are important to the essay, have been spelled correctly, you should keep a dictionary close at hand.
  • A memo using a word that is consistently misspelled can be humiliating in the office.
  • Your final mark may be impacted by an essay that has a term written wrongly in the title or throughout the whole essay.
  • Verify your spelling to avoid embarrassing situations like this.
  • You will encounter exceptions to the rules even if you know the rules for spelling by heart.
  • Problems can arise with words that are slang (bourgeois, psyche), have silent letters (stupid, knack), or are technical (cryogenics, chimerical).
  • Additionally, when a word becomes plural, the spelling may alter (puppies, octopi).
  • Words with uncommon vowel combinations can be confusing, as can homophones like bear/bare and course/coarse (beauty, archaeology).
  • If you aren’t certain, refer a dictionary.
  • Make Full Use Of Any & All Spell-Checking Tools At Your Disposal
    • If you use a computer, make use of the spellcheck and dictionary features that the majority of word-processing products offer.
    • Just remember to double-check your selections because spell check doesn’t always offer the correct response.
    • You will need to use a dictionary to get the correct option if your spell check offers three possibilities.
  • Consider the following sentence “He thru the ball over the wicket keeper’s head”
  • The spell checker suggests using “through,” “threw,” or “thorough” in place of “through.”
  • The dictionary will inform you that “through” is the proper spelling.
  • Using a spelling suggestion from spell check that is inappropriate for the rest of your sentence can have an impact on the entire composition.
  • Teachers and employers learn to spot when a writer has used a spell check as they gain greater familiarity with the tools.
  • In the same way that they do for many writers, homonyms like pane and pain and frequently misunderstood words like where, wear, and were present issues for spell check.
  • In the end, a dictionary and a pair of skilled eyes and ears are indispensable to successful research article publication.
  • Method #4

The Grammatical Accuracy Of Your Research Paper Can Make It Or Break It

  • Unfortunately, there’s no such thing as a “grammar dictionary,” although there are countless trustworthy grammar manuals.
  • You need to pay attention to the guidelines if you want to communicate using proper written English.
  • When writing, you must be aware of the many elements of speech and know how to blend them effectively.
  • For example, verbs indicate actions or states of being, while nouns indicate people, places, or things.
  • In engineering research paper writing, using the proper verb tense and noun form is important to ensure that the meaning of the text is clear.
  • For example, consider the following sentence –
  • “The findings of the experiment imply that the strength-to-weight ratio of the material is significantly high.”
  • In this sentence, the verb “indicate” is in the present tense, and it shows that the results of the experiment are showing something currently.
  • The noun “material” is in singular form, and it refers to a specific substance.
  • This sentence makes it clear that the experiment was conducted on one specific material, and the results indicate that it has a high strength-to-weight ratio.
  • Using the correct parts of speech also helps to indicate the relationships between words and phrases.
  • For example, prepositions indicate relationships between location and time.
  • For example, “The experiment was carried out on the material”.
  • In this sentence, the preposition “on” indicates the location of the experiment, and it makes it clear that the experiment was performed on the material and not somewhere else.
  • Reading your writing aloud is one of the finest techniques to check for grammatical problems.
  • When you read aloud, your eyes may automatically correct or pass over errors.
  • However, your ears won’t be deceived as easily and will pick up on most of your errors.
  • If you find yourself unable to read aloud, consider mouthing or muttering the words as you do.
  • Verify the grammar if something doesn’t sound right. If you’re having a difficult time getting the grammar of your research paper to be on point, you’re better off enlisting a dissertation help service to assist you.
  • Perform Comprehensive Language Checks
    • Grammar checkers on computers can’t catch every mistake.
    • Any sentence with a potential error will be highlighted by grammar check, and you should review it.
    • The application serves several purposes in addition to fixing some elementary grammatical errors.
    • Sentences written in the passive voice, which is a style choice, are frequently flagged by grammar checkers.
    • Although utilizing the passive voice is acceptable, it can make writing sound very flat and occasionally even confusing.
    • Some of the passive verbs could be switched out for active ones.
    • Numerous applications also draw attention to incomplete sentences and sentences longer than fifty words.
    • Although they may be employed on purpose in some informal contexts, sentence fragments are never grammatically correct.
    • It’s crucial to keep in mind that while grammar checkers occasionally highlight statements as being correct, they also occasionally miss improper sentences.
  • Consider the following instance of an active voice sentence, “The researchers conducted the experiment on the material”.
  • In this sentence, the subject “researchers” performs the action “conducted”, and it’s in active voice.
  • It’s clear who conducted the experiment.
  • The passive voice version of the sentence would be “The experiment was conducted on the material”.
  • In this sentence, the subject “experiment” is the recipient of the action “conducted”, and it’s in passive voice.
  • It’s not clear who performed the experiment.
  • Method #5

Approach Editing From The Point Of View Of A Professional Journal Editor

  • You’ll undoubtedly need to edit your writing after proofreading, adding more information in some areas and removing words in others.
  • It is possible to alter awkward or wordy sentences as well as repetitive words or phrases.
  • Without a plan for organizing, you might have to throw out some sizable sections of your work since they veer off the main point.
  • You could also need to elaborate on concepts that you didn’t fully cover in your initial draft.
  • Your piece should be simplified during editing. Clear, succinct writing gets right to the point.
  • Don’t Hesitate To Impose Revisions On Yourself
    • Reading your writing aloud several times enables you to improve various aspects of it.
    • Some revisions are made as you write, while others are made after you have read the entire essay and can evaluate its effectiveness.
    • The majority of authors go back and edit and proofread each draft several times.
    • You should start by proofreading if your document contains flaws that make it difficult to understand.
    • Print out your essay, annotate it with proofreading symbols, and make any grammar or mechanical edits that are required.
    • Clarity improves comprehension since it makes your meaning clearer, which may be achieved by editing and proofreading.
  • You can focus more on the larger picture if your draft is coherent.
  • Is the sequence of your paragraphs correct?
  • Do they cohere and make sense?
  • Are your conclusions compelling and your transitions seamless?
  • Have you tried to prevent sounding overly pushy or naive? Is the tone too subdued?
  • Some authors choose to consider these topics after the first reading.
  • While reading the draft, others edit, rearrange, and proofread it.
  • Whichever method you choose, make sure to read each draft at least twice.
  • Read it twice, once concentrating on the big picture and again concentrating on the little points.
  • The process of true revision entails altering a composition; the finished product may not resemble your first draft at all.
  • Even if you have an organizational strategy from the beginning, it is still possible that you won’t realize the piece has to be restructured until you have finished writing the full draft.
  • If the work is research-based, learning new facts may necessitate treating the topic entirely differently.
  • If your writing is meant to be compelling, you might find that it falls short.
  • The best strategy is to view your writing as a work in progress.
  • But time is a resource that many writers do not have, so writing and correcting multiple drafts takes time.
  • Maybe you have an urgent deadline or a crucial meeting.
  • You still have time to quickly enhance your writing.
  • Making an outline from your manuscript is one way to revise.
  • Because the outline typically comes before the draft, it may appear that you are going backward, but even if you originally started from an outline, this second outline can still be useful.
  • Read your writing and provide a one-word or two-phrase summary of each paragraph.
  • In the document, note this summary in the margin.
  • List the summary terms or phrases on a different sheet once you have completed this for the full essay.
  • How do the list and the original outline differ if you originally worked from an outline?
  • Can you identify any areas where rearranging the paragraphs could be beneficial if you didn’t work from an outline?
  • Consider moving three or four paragraphs to see if the piece gets better.
  • On a computer, “cut and paste” editing is simple to perform.
  • You can highlight, copy, and paste sentences and entire paragraphs in a word processing program.
  • Select “select all” and copy your work into a new blank document if you are nervous or worried that you may accidentally delete your draft.
  • This will keep your original draft secure and available.
  • You can now play around with shifting and altering your text a little.
  • Making a photocopy of your handwritten draft allows you to make changes without erasing the original when you are working with one.
  • To give yourself the opportunity to revise, remember to double-space or skip lines when writing the first draft.
  • Simply number the paragraphs and read them in the new order to change their order.
  • If you are using a copy, literally chop the paragraphs in half with your scissors.
  • Use tape or thumbtacks to attach the pieces to a bulletin board rather than glue or paste.
  • This will enable you to rearrange the parts until you find the optimum arrangement for you.
  • Whatever method you use, revision is an important step in the writing process.
  • When revising, don’t be hesitant to restructure entire paragraphs and improve your tone, voice, and writing style.
  • Method #6

Consider The Tone Of Your Writing Carefully, It’s Crucial!

  • The manner in which the author expresses his or her attitude or intent is known as the piece’s tone.
  • Your writing’s tone determines its “sound,” and the words you use have an impact on this.
  • Your essay will sound less assured if you include qualifiers like “I believe” and “to some extent.”
  • Your writing will appear assertive if you utilize phrases like “must” and “absolutely.”
  • Your writing tone might be furious, joyous, forceful, or neutral, just like your speaking voice.
  • Your initial draft’s tone can be overly stern if you are writing on a subject in which you have strong feelings.
  • Always keep your audience and objective in mind while you revise the tone.
  • For instance, you could be disappointed if you bought a CD player and it broke the next day.
  • You would be furious if the seller declined to return your money.
  • If your goal is to get a refund, your initial draft of a letter to the store manager might be too angry and accusing, but it might help you sort out your issue.
  • After all, it is a business letter.
  • The circumstance and the level of service you anticipate receiving should be clearly stated in a second draft, in which you maintain your audience (the store manager) and your aim in mind (to seek a refund).
  • Your Usage Of Slang Should Depend On Certain Factors
    • Your word selection has a significant impact.
    • If your work is for a school assignment, it must be written in language that is appropriate for a classroom.
    • It’s for work, it should be written in formal language.
    • Understanding your audience is the key.
    • In academic writing, slang is inappropriate, yet it can lend a creative short tale a more realistic tone.
  • Slang is regional or group-specific language.
  • Slang is typically associated with young people, although every generation has its own unique slang.
  • Do you know what “The bee’s knees,” “Squared away,” or “The whole shebang” mean?
  • Your grandfather might have used these words when he was younger; they are American slang from the 1920s.
  • You probably wouldn’t comprehend these archaic expressions if they were in your favorite magazine.
  • Grandpa, on the other hand, is unlikely to read the magazine that covers “New Jack’s gettin’ real.”
  • Slang has a purpose, but those who do not understand it often find it offensive.
  • For some genres of literature, dialect and colloquialisms are improper.
  • You shouldn’t state in the stock market forecasts you produce for your brokerage firm, “I am totally not going to promote blue chip stocks to every Tom, Dick, and Harry.”
  • “Blue chip stocks are not advised for everyone,” it ought to warn.
  • It is best to write in appropriate English when it comes to academic or professional writing in order to be able to appeal to the widest range of people possible.
  • Pay Heed To The Voicing Of Your Sentences
    • Depending on the verbs you choose, the voice might be either active or passive.
    • The active voice works well in most compositions.
    • A dynamic voice draws attention from the audience, much like a well-made action movie.
    • The sentence’s subject is transformed into a “hero” who carries out valiant deeds and defies death by using action verbs like fly, run, and seize.
    • The passive voice also has a purpose.
    • It is employed to describe a mental state.
    • Without the passive word “to be,” where would we be? Am, are, or have been are all perfectly acceptable options for the proper verb in a phrase.
    • When the author doesn’t know or doesn’t want to say who executed the action, they should use the passive voice instead.
  • Style Also Plays A Major Role
    • The specific manner in which you express yourself in writing is known as style.
    • It is the work of your writing craft and the result of thorough editing.
    • Your writing will stand out from that of others because of the way that voice, tone, and word choice work together to create a cohesive whole.
    • When revising, style should be your primary concern.
    • Look for ways to make each sentence a vital component of the overall composition.
    • Adjust your language till it is precise and understandable.
    • Just as in fashion, a small “accessory” can make the difference between an ordinary look and one that stands out.
    • Good style will cause others to pay attention to what you have to say because style is always recognizable.
  • Method #7

Be Aware Of The Most Common Errors Research Authors Make

  • The purpose of writing is to clearly transmit an idea or piece of information to others by putting it on paper.
  • Undoubtedly, the content of a scientific study is the most significant factor.
  • Knowing what to communicate is just as crucial for scientific students as learning how to write.
  • How effectively a writer writes is irrelevant if she has nothing original or intriguing to say.
  • However, poor writing can also impede or obscure a writer’s capacity to convey his wise ideas.
  • Clear communication of complicated and novel concepts and information depends on how well they are presented in relation to the audience’s expectations.
  • This ability is improved via practice, imitating word choices and writing styles, and organizing principles from literature examples, as well as by asking for specific and dependable criticism from peers or mentors.
  • The following two common errors should never be made by a writer for any project.
  • Error #1

Avoid Utilising The “Spoken Voice” When Writing

  • The idea that “if I can speak, then I can write” is one of the major fallacies we have seen among students.
  • Students find it challenging to switch from their “spoken voice” to their “written voice.”
  • The reason for this problem, in our opinion, is that there aren’t as many regular and ongoing formal writing opportunities as there are informal writing possibilities at school or elsewhere.
  • The use of spoken voice in students’ formal work is probably encouraged by the casual writing styles that are appropriate for email, texting, social media posts, blogs, or journals.
  • Written work submitted by students for the sciences often combines spoken and written voice, which must be fixed to be appropriate for a scientific audience and emphasizes the value of proofreading.
  • Error #2

Don’t Submit The First Draft In Its Entirety

  • To concentrate on substance without being constrained by style or formality, writing guides advise using free-writes for early drafts.
  • Undergraduates frequently put off writing their papers until the last day or a few hours before the deadline, though this is not always the case.
  • In the end, the initial draft – which frequently reads like a free-write – is sent in with mistakes and spoken language used all throughout.
  • It can be challenging for an instructor to tell whether poor writing is hiding solid ideas or substance while reading and grading a poorly written paper.
  • If poor writing is the cause of the issue, the student can fix it by proofreading the assignment or asking a peer to provide feedback.
  • Writing experts are aware that producing a poor first draft is a normal aspect of the writing process.
  • This process of comprehension makes it simpler to write down ideas without restrictions, susceptible to revisions in later editions.
  • Unfortunately, students frequently believe that combining these processes will speed up the process, yet, the additional pressure to “get it right” in the first draft may actually lengthen the overall writing process.
  • Error #3

Avoid Using Cliches & Colloquialisms Like ‘Thus’, For Example

  • Cliches and colloquialisms can make an engineering research paper appear unprofessional and detract from the credibility of the research being presented.
  • For example, using a cliche such as “thinking outside the box” in a discussion of a new, innovative engineering solution may undermine the originality and uniqueness of the solution being proposed.
  • Similarly, using colloquial language, such as “gonna” instead of “going to,” can make the research paper appear less formal and less credible.
  • It is important to communicate engineering research papers with formal and professional language to establish trust and to make it clear that the research is based on facts and not on opinions or casual language.
  • Using the word “so” too often in an engineering research paper can make the writing appear informal and unprofessional.
  • It can also make the paper difficult to understand and follow.
  • For example, if a sentence like “So, we conducted the experiment, and we found that the results were promising.
  • So, we decided to move forward with the project” is used in a paper, it will make the paper appear less formal and less credible.
  • It is important to use formal and precise language when writing an engineering research paper to establish trust and to make it clear that the research is based on facts and not on opinions or casual language.
  • Instead of using “So” in that case, you could use “Consequently” or “Therefore”, it will make the paper appear more professional and sophisticated.
  • Error #4

Remove Words & Phrases With No Real Meaning

  • Using words and phrases with no real meaning in an engineering research paper can make the writing appear unclear and vague and can undermine the credibility of the research being presented.
  • For example, using a phrase such as “next-generation technology” without clearly defining what it means in the context of the research can leave the reader confused and uncertain about the research being presented.
  • Similarly, using words such as “innovative” or “cutting-edge” without providing clear evidence to support these claims can make the research appear unoriginal and not truly innovative.
  • It is important to use precise and specific language when writing an engineering research paper to clearly convey the research being presented and to establish trust in the credibility of the research.
  • Instead of using vague and unclear words and phrases, use specific technical terms or provide clear definitions and explanations for any terms or concepts that may be unfamiliar to the reader.
  • It will make the research paper more readable, understandable, and trustworthy.
  • Error #5

Avoid Using Vague Language When Describing Quantities Or Making Comparisons

  • Using vague language when referring to quantities and making comparisons in an engineering research paper can make the research appear uncertain and unreliable.
  • For example, saying that a certain material is “stronger than most” without providing any specific measurements or comparison data can leave the reader uncertain about the actual strength of the material being discussed.
  • Similarly, saying that a certain process is “more efficient” without providing any specific data or measurements can make it difficult for the reader to evaluate the true efficiency of the process.
  • It is important to use precise and specific language when referring to quantities and making comparisons in engineering research papers to provide clear and reliable information to the reader.
  • Instead of using vague language, it is better to provide specific measurements and data, such as “The material has a tensile strength of X MPa, which is 20% higher than the commonly used material Y” or “The process has an efficiency of X%, which is 15% higher than the previous method”.
  • Using vague language when comparing groups in an engineering research paper can make the research appear uncertain and unreliable.
  • For example, saying that “group A performed better than group B” without providing any specific measurements or comparison data can leave the reader uncertain about the actual difference in performance between the two groups.
  • Similarly, saying that “the new method is superior to the old method” without providing any specific data or measurements can make it difficult for the reader to evaluate the true superiority of the new method.
  • It is better to provide specific measurements and data, such as “Group A had an average accuracy of X%, while group B had an average accuracy of Y% with a statistically significant difference (p<0.05) ” or “The new method had a failure rate of X%, which is 50% lower than the failure rate of the old method (Y%)”.
  • Error #6

Refrain From Using “More/Less Than…”

  • Using “more/less than” without providing any specific measurements or comparison data in an engineering research paper can make the research appear uncertain and unreliable.
  • For example, saying that “the new material is more durable than the old material” without providing any specific measurements of durability or comparison data can leave the reader uncertain about the actual improvement in the durability of the new material.
  • Similarly, saying that “the new process is less energy-intensive than the old process” without providing any specific data or measurements of energy consumption can make it difficult for the reader to evaluate the true energy efficiency of the new process.

Availing of professional research paper help from globally renowned organizations such as IFERP will help ease the process of having to meticulously proofread and edit your entire manuscript for you. Get in touch with the IFERP team now!

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